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North Korea tested

a new long-range cruise missile

last weekend,

regime media reported Monday, a new Pyongyang weapons test that comes as dialogue with the United States remains stalled.

The KCNA agency talks about more than one launch, and said that the tests took place last

Saturday and Sunday

and were described as "successful" after the projectiles flew for more than two hours and reached their targets located about 1,500 kilometers from distance after flying over North Korean territories and waters.

Unlike the ballistic missiles that the regime has also developed and tested, cruise missiles

are not subject to sanctions by the United Nations Security Council,

as they are considered a lower-level weapons threat.

For its part, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) limited itself to saying in a statement that "a detailed analysis (of the launches) is being carried out in close cooperation between the South Korean and US intelligence services."

"The development of the long-range cruise missile, a strategic weapon of great importance to achieve the key objective of the five-year plan for the development of defense sciences and weapons systems established at the VIII Party Congress, has added a advance, "explains the note.

He adds that for the development of these new missiles, in the last two years "extensive tests of missile components, dozens of ground engine propulsion tests, various flight tests, control and guidance tests have been successfully carried out. and tests on the (explosive) power of the warheads ".

During the tests,

the leader Kim Jong-un was not present, but Pak Jong-chol,

appointed last week as a member of the powerful presidium of the one-party politburo, or

Kim Jong-sik,

deputy director of the Department of Machinery Construction and one of the key figures in the North Korean missile program that Washington has on its sanctions list.

Also present was

Jong Il-ho,

another scientist linked to missile development who has accompanied the North Korean leader on multiple occasions during these test launches.

The weapons test came after Pyongyang hosted a low-key military parade last Thursday to mark the 73rd anniversary of the founding of the country.

This weekend's is also the first weapons test carried out by the regime

since last March it

also tested tactical missiles.

North Korea often displays missiles, real or model, at such parades, but this time its most prominent weapons were

tractor-drawn artillery pieces.

Pyongyang has not conducted a nuclear test or ICBM launch since 2017.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • North Korea

  • South Korea

  • USA

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